Wedding cakes have long been a symbol of prosperity and good luck for the newly wed bride and groom. Their history is as rich and colorful as the creations that we make here at ABC Cake Shop.

In Ancient Rome bread was broken over the head of the bride for good luck and prosperity. Over the years the tradition has evolved. From the 17th – 19th centuries “Bride’s Pie” was shared. This pie was eaten among the guests and it was considered rude and bad luck not to consume a piece. Similar to today’s tradition of unmarried ladies catching the bridal bouquet, The bride’s pie contained a glass ring. The lucky maiden who received the piece with the ring would be the next to marry.

Broomsticks in wedding cakes? Have you ever wondered where the tradition of pillars in wedding cakes came from? It’s not entirely clear but early on broomsticks were broken and used. Cakes that had tiers in the early 1900s symbolized prosperity as only wealthy families could afford them.

Symbolism Wedding Cake Color

The wedding cake’s color was white symbolizing the virginity and purity of the bride. This tradition came about due to Queen Victoria’s wedding to Prince Albert in 1840. Queen Victoria chose to wear white to symbolize purity and proclaim her virginity. She had the royal bakers frost the cake in white as well, this is where the name Royal Icing was coined.

The ceremony of serving the cake also is steeped in tradition and meaning. Originally the cake was to be served to the guests by the bride only to assure the guests consuming the cake of fertility. As the number of guests in creased and the size of cakes grew, cutting and serving the cake became too much for just one person and the groom got involved. This began the tradition of the bride and groom sharing the first bite of cake before serving their guests symbolizing their union and commitment of providing for one another.

Here at ABC Cake Shop “Where Moments Matter” we love being a part of your special day. Contact our wedding cake specialists at 505.255.5080, for an appointment to sit down with one of team members to help you make the wedding cake of your dreams into reality.