Easter Sunday is normally the most well attended service at church.  Both Non-Christians and Christians observe the holiday with other tradition such as coloring eggs, egg hunts, the Easter bunny, and a Parade.  Many have traditional food to celebrate the Holiday, such as ham, lamb, and of course we have to have chile. Our favorite Easter desserts in Albuquerque are frosted cross cookies, iced bunny cookies, baby chick cupcakes and bunnies burrowing into cupcakes for the Easter season.

Easter Desserts in Albuquerque is an egg-celent occasion to spend time with your loved ones.   We love to celebrate Easter at ABC Cake Shop & Bakery.

Easter is celebration by Christians to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians believe, according to scriptures,Easter Desserts in Albuquerque Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies

that Jesus was crucified and came back to life 3 days later.  Catholics, Orthodox and certain Protestant churches mark the beginning of the season with Ash Wednesday and the beginning of lent.  Lent last 40 days with many giving up something in preparation of Easter Sunday. During the Holy week, which leads up to the holiday many will also fast in preparation.

It is also celebrated as a secular holiday.  The name “Easter” is actually taken from the goddess of fertility and spring.  The festival of the goddess Eastre was celebrated in accordance to the spring equinox.  The holiday is currently tied to the vernal equinox and the date it is celebrated varies according to the full moon and the Gregorian calendar.