ABC Cake has all your fiesta treats for your Cinco de Mayo celebracion!

The 5th of May is the celebration of  the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla Cinco de Mayo Cookiesduring the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867).

Overall this is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, however in  the United States and Albuquerque Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of the Mexican culture and heritage.  

The tradition often include parades, mariachi music performances and street festivals in cities and towns across Mexico and the United States.

Do you have a favorite Cinco de Mayo tradition? Here in Albuquerque, the city has a fiesta all its own usually held at the Southwest Cultural Center. with food music and performances by groups such as Ballet Folklorico Fiesta Mexicana, Cinco de Mayo in Albuquerque is truly a one of a kind experience. To learn more about it click here.

Let ABC help you “When Moments Matter” by calling 505.255.5080  to pre-order your  Cakes, Cookies & Cupcakes or email us at