4th of July

Why don’t we celebrate our independence on August 2nd? Although the Continental Congress declared our independence on July 2, 1776 it took a little longer for them to make it official. The 4th of July is the day that the wording of Declaration of Independence was approved. If we are to be very technical about it, we would celebrate our independence on August 2nd as that was the date in 1776 on which Congress signed the document.

Did you know that the 4th of July was not officially declared a national holiday by Congress until 1870? That’s right, it took nearly 100 years for Congress to make it official along with several other holidays including Christmas. Up until that time our young country was in the throes of growing and becoming a stronger nation and it seemed for a while unimpressed with our past.

There are so many things that we think are true about the holiday that are either myths or misnomers. You can read more facts about the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution by clicking here.

Today’s 4th of July


Take some yummy cupcakes to your celebration!

Take some yummy cupcakes to your celebration!

Today’s 4th of July brings up images of small town parades, baseball, flags and of course fireworks. Kids on bicycles and running through the evening light with sparklers.

In our modern time this is the holiday that always makes us nostalgic for simpler times. Andy Griffin’s Mayberry.

If one of Aunt Bee’s homemade apple pies sounds just perfect about now, call us at 505.255.5080 to order just that or maybe make it a cherry pie!

Summer gatherings call for fun food to0. Make the next one you go to special by ordering some patriotic treats to take a long. We can custom design cakes and cupcakes and have a selection of 4th of July themed cookies as well.

Stop by today and pick some up some sweet treats or call our Cake Specialists at 505.255.5080 to order something that will be even more festive than the fireworks!